Monday, November 6, 2017

The end

We all have that one person we loved and cared about the most. But what happens is, you have forgived that person so many times, so many things and than you come to that point when no matter what that person does to make up to you, you are just cold. And you can’t help it, you came to a point of no return. That point is when everything between you two is dead and no one can change it. If this happens, just walk’s over and it’s gone.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


People always want what they can't have.  Why? Why are we so unsatisfied of what we already have? We always want to impress other people, even if we know it's just from the outside and that we are not showing them the real thing. I don't know I guess it's just the feeling we have when we make someone less important. It is sad. At the end when we get what we wanted, we see that is not the thing we acctualy need and we want to go back to what we had. Oh well the grass is always greener on the other side.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


If we wish for something, we should go for it. If we fall, if we don't make it after our first try, we should not stop, because when we make it after a few times of trying, it will be even better feeling for us than that we made it at first. Even if it looks like that everything is against us, it doesn't mean that is really that way. What ever happens, we must know that it has to be that way and that we did our best. There is something that is called fate and if 'she' has other plans for us, what can we do except to live our destiny.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Just a lesson

How many times we have to make the same mistake to stop making them? It is truth that we are learning from that, we are, but it is not always that easy as it sounds. Of course we will laugh to this, one day. But while we are living the consequences, now, in this moment. It is not funny at all. But life gives us as much as we can handle. So smile, keep your hed up, knowing you can do it!

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Here is the truth about the truth - it hurts. So we lie. I lied, I lied to someone I should not, but I did. And now I am trying to fix those things without telling them, because when u hide something it always finds the way to come to the surface. So I lied a thousand times I can bet u lied too, everybody does. It's normal, but when it doesn't hurt anyone. Sometimes we lie to protect someone, but they will find it out anyway and it's going to be even worse, so what you've done? Nothing.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Time to leave

Well I don't have much to say. Just that I'm looking forward to come again. I will miss many of them but how many will miss me? Well I don't care. Till next time Belgrade xoxo

Monday, September 28, 2015

Talks talks...

Are talks everything we need? I wanted to talk, but i have had no words to say. I was just standing there, speechless. We were so close but so far away from each other. I wanted to leave so many times but i could not. Something was missing beetwen us, but i didn't know what. I wanted him, no matter what way, knowing i have him at least as a friend was enough for me. Still.